Personal Income Tax Reform

Personal Income Tax ReformPersonal Income Tax Reform
  1. Discussion on the Certain Questions of Deepening the Personal Income Tax Reform


  2. Proportional Tax System : Personal Income Tax Reform from the View of Equality and Efficiency


  3. A Brief Analysis of Personal Income Tax Reform against the Background of Constructing a Harmonious Society


  4. The fifth part analyzed summarized the experience of the personal income tax reform and economic growth promotion in some countries .


  5. The rising and practicing of the flat tax and from the comprehensive income tax mode to the dual income tax change , then paying attention to commodity tax again , provide experiences for personal income tax reform of China .


  6. This paper analysed the problem of the current personal income tax , reform and effective measures are given in this paper .


  7. The key points of the personal income tax system reform are the design of the tax rate structure and the definition of the synthetical income items , which are directly related to the burden of tax payers and the fairness of tax system .


  8. The personal income tax after the reform should be the tax on the total income according to the combination of both the incremental average tax rate and the degressive marginal tax rate .


  9. Personal Income Tax Management and Its Reform and Improvement


  10. The author thinks that the current foreign relevant personal income tax system of theory and practice has comparatively perfect and feasible in many aspects , to give our personal income tax reform .
